Friday, December 10, 2010

Assignment #8- Data Sets

-I chose the data set link called Hot Dog Calorie and Sodium Dataset.
-This data set includes the results of a laboratory analysis of calories in major hot dog brands' hot dog and sodium levels conducted by researchers at Consumer Reports. In this laboratory experiment, 3 types of hot dogs were analyzed: beef, poultry, and meat. 15 cases were observed.
-Could we consider the levels of sodium and kind of hot dog to be inversely related?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Assignment 7- SOCR Website

While exploring the tabs above the SOCR website, the one that stood out to me and I found useful was the DISTRIBUTIONS tab, which is the first tab on the top. When you click this, a standard normal probablility curve comes out and there is buttons on the left so that we can choose any kind of distribution and view it and its properties. We cal also adjust some of its properties like the mean and the standard deviation which is really helpful both in and out of the classroom since we can see an accurate model of a distribution we are dealing with. On the bottom of the distribution graph, there is a list of its properties which is also very useful so we can draw conclusions from it.