Thursday, September 23, 2010

2nd Blog Assignment: Assessment Reflection

1. I studied for this test by thoroughly completing my homework and reading the chapter and taking a good look at the notes. i also did all the REVIEW :( , but it was good practice.

2. i would have liked to reread the chapter more than once in order to understand the concepts better and do more example problems.

3. i started my homework after 2 days of being assigned and it still took several long sittings on different days to complete it.

4. Honestly, i believe i would have gotten a much better score because i felt i did a lot of examples and the review and the homework made me feel super cofident, prepared and efficient with chapter 1 statistics. When i was doing the homework, the answers i was getting were right and so i was dissapointed when i saw my score.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st Blog Assignment

The set of data that I would collect from our AP stats Period 3 students is how many hours of physical exercise AP Stats students get on a daily basis. The preconceived notion I have about this data is that AP Stats students get at least 2 hours daily since it seems that most of them are active in an activity or sport and there might be a few that hardly get any physical exercise on a daily basis. I believe the distribution of this data would appear to be skewed to the left with most of the AP Stats students' data making up the maximum point. The minimum point would be 0 hours The range would most likely be from no physical exercise daily to about 3 to 4 hours. I predict that there will possibly be a couple of outliers.