Friday, December 10, 2010

Assignment #8- Data Sets

-I chose the data set link called Hot Dog Calorie and Sodium Dataset.
-This data set includes the results of a laboratory analysis of calories in major hot dog brands' hot dog and sodium levels conducted by researchers at Consumer Reports. In this laboratory experiment, 3 types of hot dogs were analyzed: beef, poultry, and meat. 15 cases were observed.
-Could we consider the levels of sodium and kind of hot dog to be inversely related?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Assignment 7- SOCR Website

While exploring the tabs above the SOCR website, the one that stood out to me and I found useful was the DISTRIBUTIONS tab, which is the first tab on the top. When you click this, a standard normal probablility curve comes out and there is buttons on the left so that we can choose any kind of distribution and view it and its properties. We cal also adjust some of its properties like the mean and the standard deviation which is really helpful both in and out of the classroom since we can see an accurate model of a distribution we are dealing with. On the bottom of the distribution graph, there is a list of its properties which is also very useful so we can draw conclusions from it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Assignment #6-Election Statistics

- I read CBS Election STatistics on the CBS NEWS website.
They state that Jerry Brown has 51% of the votes while Meg Whitman has 49% of the votes. The source for the data was that it came from Exit Polls made my EDISON RESEARCH. The poll is referrred to as the National Election Pool.

-WHO-Edison Research conducted these exit polls for the National Election Pool.
-WHY-These polls were conducted to project election results for the public.
-WHERE-These surveys wereconducted at polling places in California chosen by probability since they were stratified samples in California.
-WHAT- Researchers asked voters about their ballot as they exited the polls.
-WHEN-The election took place on November 2,2010.
-HOW-Researches asked every nth person about their ballot as they exited the polls.

-The data is somewhat accurate because they used stratified samples to conduct their poll surveys and this is part of random sampling which gives more accurate results. It is alsp seemingly not accurate because it says that all samples are approximations which is a sampling error.

-In the research report, it says that absentees and mail-in ballots were interviewed in a pre-election telephone poll so not all the data came from exit polls. This was done by a Random-Digit-Dialing(RDD) and there is error from nonresponse. This would've not made much of an impact if CBS would have reported this along with their data since the data is combined anyways.

-The only bias that would've probably occurred in this data is nonresponse and approximation. The characteristics of each person and the proportions of these characteristics affected the data in that it had a larger sampling error or a smaller one. People that weren't contacted by telephone interviewers could've affected the data even more. The location of the voting polls in which exit polls were conducted could have made a huge impact on the data. For example, the exit polls were maybe only conducted in areas that are known to be in a Democratic district which obviously would yield favor to Democrat votes.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blog Assignment #5- Pairing Up

1. I would consider pairing up with Alyssa, Carlos, and Sarah. Alyssa is a sweet,quiet girl that won't be unfair when it would come to a group project and I trust that she understands the material well. Carlos has a nice personality and he is trustworthy. Sarah I know is a very hard worker and  I admire that; I know I can rely on her.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Assignment #4-The Books Website

3 Things of Interest i found on the book's website were:

Online Quizzes
I found these quizzes to be very helpful because it tests you and might be able to tell you how much you need to study and work on some problems. If i would have done the blog earlier in the week before the quiz on Wednesday, I could've been more prepared since most of the problems were the same as the quiz online.
To get to the online quizzes, once you log in, on the left scrollbar, click on Online Quizzes and a page with all the chapters comes up. Just click on the chapter you want to be quizzed on(:

Statistics on the Web
I really liked this feature of the website because it allows the students to have access to acceptable and probably official data/statistics which we can use for our own studies and problems to practice on. It's also more interesting since we would be working with real-life problems and it might just change our career goals and aspirations.
To reach this feature, click on Statistics on the Web that is in the left scrollbar on the main page that comes up after you log in.

TI-Inspire Support
I personally thought this feature is great, but it would be BETTER if they had a TI 83-84 Support. (:
But it is a good idea since probably most students have a TI 83-84 model. This is helpful for students that have the Inspire since I know it is more complicated to use. Maybe this can help Hrag too.(:
To reach this feature, click on TI-Inspire Support in the scrollbox on the left of the page that comes up after you log in.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Assignment #3- Correlation

Correlation is important because it can leads toward a better understanding of your data. Correlation tells us how closely related our two variables are. Just because 2 variables are correlated, such that if one goes up the other does too, or if one goes up and the other goes down, it does not always mean that a change in one variable causes a change in another. Correlation can be very effective if there is a valid relationship between the variables being analyzed and we can therefore, make a mental connection between 2 variables.

Regression analysis is designed for attempting to determine the strength of a relationship between a dependent variable and multiple changing variables.
Correlation and Regression analysis has helped me in my life so far because it allows me to take observations I have seen in life and based on those, make an assumption and connection between the variables and base some of my own decisions on that.

A correlation that might make an impact on my life might be the running and back pain. If I research and find that there is a positive correlation between running and back pain, I might decide to decrease the amount I run to therefore decrease backpain, which would be reversing the effects of the corelation.

Another correlation that might make an impact on my life would be the correlation between hours of sun exposure a day and skin cancer.If the correlation between the hours of sun exposure and skin cancer is positive(the more hours in sun exposure, the more cases of skin cancer found), then I'd be in trouble. YIKES.!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

2nd Blog Assignment: Assessment Reflection

1. I studied for this test by thoroughly completing my homework and reading the chapter and taking a good look at the notes. i also did all the REVIEW :( , but it was good practice.

2. i would have liked to reread the chapter more than once in order to understand the concepts better and do more example problems.

3. i started my homework after 2 days of being assigned and it still took several long sittings on different days to complete it.

4. Honestly, i believe i would have gotten a much better score because i felt i did a lot of examples and the review and the homework made me feel super cofident, prepared and efficient with chapter 1 statistics. When i was doing the homework, the answers i was getting were right and so i was dissapointed when i saw my score.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st Blog Assignment

The set of data that I would collect from our AP stats Period 3 students is how many hours of physical exercise AP Stats students get on a daily basis. The preconceived notion I have about this data is that AP Stats students get at least 2 hours daily since it seems that most of them are active in an activity or sport and there might be a few that hardly get any physical exercise on a daily basis. I believe the distribution of this data would appear to be skewed to the left with most of the AP Stats students' data making up the maximum point. The minimum point would be 0 hours The range would most likely be from no physical exercise daily to about 3 to 4 hours. I predict that there will possibly be a couple of outliers.