Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Assignment #3- Correlation

Correlation is important because it can leads toward a better understanding of your data. Correlation tells us how closely related our two variables are. Just because 2 variables are correlated, such that if one goes up the other does too, or if one goes up and the other goes down, it does not always mean that a change in one variable causes a change in another. Correlation can be very effective if there is a valid relationship between the variables being analyzed and we can therefore, make a mental connection between 2 variables.

Regression analysis is designed for attempting to determine the strength of a relationship between a dependent variable and multiple changing variables.
Correlation and Regression analysis has helped me in my life so far because it allows me to take observations I have seen in life and based on those, make an assumption and connection between the variables and base some of my own decisions on that.

A correlation that might make an impact on my life might be the running and back pain. If I research and find that there is a positive correlation between running and back pain, I might decide to decrease the amount I run to therefore decrease backpain, which would be reversing the effects of the corelation.

Another correlation that might make an impact on my life would be the correlation between hours of sun exposure a day and skin cancer.If the correlation between the hours of sun exposure and skin cancer is positive(the more hours in sun exposure, the more cases of skin cancer found), then I'd be in trouble. YIKES.!

1 comment:

  1. *correlation
    sorry theres multiple spelling mistakes, i type fast >.<
